




The collie is wonderful: not only the intelligence and beauty but also it makes me create, in several artistic areas:

My drawing - My window art - My poems

My drawing

Rineweld Alisha at Graceland 'Zorah' - owner Ágnes Hodossy, used with permission.

My window art

Collie love
Original drawing: DogWorld Graphics, used with permission.

My poems

My poems in different languages for the rhyme A-A-B-B-A:


Millie a kutyám neve
Elvarázsol a heve
Gyönyörû a szõre
Jó kedvem lesz tõle
Rabul ejt sötét szeme.


Millie is my dog's name
Her speed is magic on me
Her hair is beautiful
She makes me laugh
Her dark eyes are capturing me.


Millie est ma belle chienne
Je suis fière qu'elle est la mienne
Quand elle me voit
C'est la pure joie
Je veux toujours qu'elle vienne.


Millie is my beautiful dog
I am proud that she is mine
When she looks at me
It's pure joy
I always want that she come.


My dog's name is Millie
Her breed is rough collie
But she is not rough-rough-rough
Sometimes she goes woof-woof-woof
Her heart is pure, really.




Millie is my doggie's name
She's always into a game
She's so smart
Has a good heart
She's the hunter, not the game.



© www.millie.hu