

Dog training




Dog training

Dog training and me - Dog trainer diplomas- References

Dog Training, in different forms, is known to everyone who has a dog. It gives the owner such a pleasure when a dog fulfills the simpler command (i.e. sit) even when it goes on the street perfectly disciplined or goes through an exam test!

Dog Training and me

I began dog training with Alex in 1995 since if you go to the street without it, it won't be a walk but rather "water skiing on the pavement"... We went to Cerberos Dog Training School in Pécel since the age of 8 months of Alex, where positive methods (food, playing) were used to train the dogs gradually. Here (too) I would like to thank Magdolna Nemeth, Head of School, for all her work and professionalism.

Alex akadályt ugrik
Alex over obstacle (1997)

Alex A-akadályt mászik
Alex on A obstacle (2004)

You don't only go to a dog training school to teach trick to your dog: it is also a place to meet people like you, having the same interests, sharing the same joys and problems, and create friendships. There builds a sense of belonging to each other, and, in addition, the dogs have a good time, too.

Cerberos kutyaiskola tagjai
Members of Cerberos Dog Training School

I think important to state that dog training in its classical meaning consists of the Tracking - Obedience - Defense pillars (Sport training) ideal for the structure of defense dogs like german shepherds, rottweilers, giant schnauzers, etc. With many other kind of dogs the methods and exercises simply do not compile with the type of the dog (i.e. there is no use to teach a vizsla or golden retriever for defense work). There is a difference at the endurance of the dogs so even specimen within the same kind are not the same.

When selecting a puppy it is very important to decide why we need the dog for, taking into consideration our own circumstances (owner's nature, neural type, garden or appartment, time schedules, etc.). We find real joy in our partner if (s)he performs well the tasks important for us, and in addition we have a happy dog.

This is why we need to pay attention to the nature of the dogs and the relationship between owner and dog, so in my opinion there are no methods useable for everyone, and you can't simply learn them from books, but instead we need to combine scientific background, practical methods and owner/dog characteristics at dog training.


Dog trainer diplomas

German Shepherd Club of Hungary course - 4tappancs courses - MEOE Ring Secretary course -

Mirror Method basic trainer courses - OKJ Habilitation Dog Trainer course - CTDI

German Shepherd Club of Hungary course

In order to know not only the practical side of dog training, but also the theories behind, at the beginning of 2004 I went to the Dog Trainers Course organised by the German Shepherd Club of Hungary, headed by Dr. Zoltan Bartolak and Gyorgy Kovacs. Topics of the course included:

  • Etology (science of dog behaviour)
  • Conditioning, learning, reflexes, confirmation methods
  • Instincts, instinctive behaviour and its role in dog training
  • Anatomy, dog show judging
  • Inherited behaviour elements
  • Dog training methods
  • Learning processes of dogs, trainings
  • Areas of sport dog training (tracing, obedience, protection)
  • Methods of teaching sport dog exercises
  • Elements of "Good Citizen" training
  • Regulations of Examinations
  • Training Theory
  • Proposed health programme for German Shepherd dogs
  • Dog training in practice

At the end of the course we had an examination of a total of 90 open questions for 350 points (it took 6 hours to write it). Diploma qualification depended on the result of the test: over 90 % (i.e. 315 points) it's "Excellent" (like "A"), the result of the bests were like "A+". In the group we were 2 who had A+ qualification (I wrote 346 points i.e. 99%).

My Dog Training Diploma

Mr. Biehler's words on the backside of my diploma. It says:
"I wish good luck for the work with the dog.
F. Biehler"

It was an extra motivation that those with A+ qualification could participate free of charge at Mr. Friedrich "Fritz" Biehler's 2-day seminar. He is "the living legend", the most successful dog trainer of all times, multiple German champion, SV-Bundessieger, European Champion, World Champion. I felt honoured because Mr. Fritz Biehler wrote encouraging words on my Dog Training Diploma.

Fritz Biehler úr és én
Mr. Biehler and myself

Biehler úr munka közben
Mr. Biehler at work


4TAPPANCS courses

4TAPPANCS (4PAWS) alternative dog trainer course aims to educate dog trainers conducting individual and group courses and consultations on dog training, and resolve dog-related problems. They use modern dog training methods from contemporary international dog training specialists like Victoria Stilwell, Jan Fennel, Martin Rütter, Turid Rugaas, Clarissa von Reinhardt, Celina del Amo, Cesar Millan. I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Stefan Siman for compiling and delivering these courses, and continuously helping me with all my questions.

This is a modular course, using e-learning methods as well. Here are the courses and modules that I have participated at:

Calming Signals
  • I.1. Dog's inherited behavioral forms (i.e. hunting, herding, playing, sniffing)
  • I.2. Provide and receive calming signals (using body language)
  • I.3. Dog meets dog, dog meets human (socialization is key: both should understand calming signals)
  • II.1. Everyday situations (hiearchy issues, aggressiveness)
  • II.2. Stress situations at dogs (environmental noises, unfamiliar situations, stress)
  • II.3. Criticism (reaction to stress and conflicts, and not calming signal
I found this course very informative and interesting. I especially enjoyed the videos of the fantastic contemporary specialists, scientists and dog trainers. I was amazed by the 28 (!) calming signals identified by Turid Rugaas (i.e. turn head, blink, lick nose).
Clicker Training for Beginners
  • I.1. History of clicker training, background information, theories (clicker training: short form of operative conditioning, based on systematic usage of positive reinforcement, advantages of using the clicker, etc.)
  • I.2. Workshop
    1. "click in",
    2. dog should not see the hand with food,
    3. targeting,
    4. shaping.
    Tips and errors in clicker training
Although I trained Mador with "traditional" methods based on positive reinforcement, I found clicker training and the related videos so interesting that I actually bought an original, green Karen Pryor clicker.
Wellness for Dogs
  • I.1. Your own dog - you take care of it
  • I.2. Internet-based survey: more than half of the owners answered they don't see groomers regularly with their dogs - the general conditions of the dogs in Hungary is very sad.
  • II. Regular grooming (wash paws, wipe eyes, ears, anus, cut nails, wash and dry dog)
  • III. Tools and methods
  • IV. Dog wellness = clean and healthy dog
I liked the Wellness for Dogs presentation - so much that I've actually participated at a dog groomer course!
ME and my DOG lifestyle camp
  • I.1. Team tests: relationship of dogs and owners via excercises (1. keep it in the 5x5 square with no vocal commands, 2. go through full-of-happening area, 3. find your squattering owner covered with bed-sheet, 4. get the treat from your owner laying on the gym ball, 5. silent triangle (don't see, don't talk, don't touch)
  • I.2. Weekly tricks: each participant team had to draw a trick and train the dog during the camp (1. 'where is the red one', 2. bring the basket, 3. crawl, 4. dog goes under owner on all fours, 5. apport, 6. give me five, 7. slalom between owners's legs, 8. bark on command, 9. turn around, 10. roll over)
  • I.3. Dog IQ tests (1. treat fall on chair, 2. dog covered with towel by owner, 3. three persons calling dog, 4. find and eat hidden treats in different coloured bowls, 5. find 1 and many treats in same bowls)
  • I.4. I. R. P. Method: Interrupt - Redirect - Praise
  • II. Agility (tunnel, ladder, convergence, labyrinth, straw bale, slalom, circle)
  • III.1. Video - Cesar Millan (triangle)
  • III.2. Video - Turid Rugaas (touch and treat, heel)
  • III.3. Video - Martin Rütter (sit, come, conditioning on whistle, lay down, leash, tabou)
  • III.4. Video - Victoria Stilwell (pulling great dane, agressive chinese crested dog)
  • IV. Create dog toy (PET bottle top cut, pushed through with a stick, treat inside upside down, dog should turn the bottle with nose/paw to get the treat fall out)
  • V. Owner IQ test (15 questions, sometimes multiple correct answers, i.e. dog temperature, how to recognise dominant dog, vaccinations, pregnancy time
I truly enjoyed being together with Mador for a whole week, 24/7. We slept in a tent, under the sky full of stars, woke up to the sound of storks, went out for long walks together with the other owner-dog teams... And we learnt a lot - both about ourselves, and our dogs. I was very proud of Mador, he did brilliantly: he did stay in the 5x5 square despite the distractions, I used hand signals and I danced, too. In the "cover me" test, he waited patiently, did not try to get the cover off him - it was not applaused from the test point of view but this is exactly what I expect from a therapy dog. He did the agility in about 2 minutes (!), we earnd bronze medal with this result. I was good at the IQ test. :)
Shy and Agressive Dogs - e-learning course
  • I. Reasons and types of dysfunctional behaviours
  • II. Managing shy and agressive dogs (treatments and techniques including herbs and Bach flower therapy
I believe e-learning is the future - you can learn whenever you want, wherever you want, in your own pace, and you have email and consultations to get answers to your questions. This is great!


MEOE Ring Secretary course

The dog show world completely enchanted me, one can learn a lot from the judges, plus I wanted to publish the leonberger show results with highest precisity and accordance to the regulations, I showed interest to know what was happening at the other side of the judging table. My ring secretary girlfriend Aliz Toth (Asrama Tibet Mastiff Kennel) invited me to serve as a ring writer at several national and international shows, then I was offered the opportunity to work as independent ring secretary and interpreter at numerous national and international shows.

As the highest recognition, I consider the invitation to the 2011 international shows with Crufts qualification in Szilvásvárad at the International Chrystal Cup Fox Terrier Special Show where I served as ring secretary and interpreter in English, French and Italian languages for the 4 judges and specialists: Phillip Horspool (UK), Jari Spagna Rosario (I), Harry O’Donoghue (IRE) and Luc Detry (B).

Finally in 2012 the Hungarian Kennel Club started the Ring Secretary Course. Topics of the course included:

  • Show regulations (Attila Márton)
  • Ring secretary work in practice (Erdõsné Bocsák Éva)
  • 2013 World Dog Show in Budapest: preparations and expectations (András Korózs)
  • Kynology, anatomy, show judgement, movement (Attila Czeglédi)

The written exam proved to be quite difficult for the majority of participants (only about ten percent absolved it), but I wrote the test as 95% so was allowed for the oral exam, and taking my previous experiences into consideration, so I am now "officially" FCI MEOE Ring Secretary.

Kristálykupa BIS


Mirror Method basic trainer courses

I have been training Millie with a new method: clicker and the Mirror Method. I enjoyed the dog kindergarten, basic and advanced courses where I discovered a new dimension of dog communication and I could combine it well with my previous experiences. Since I was curious about the theoretical background as well, in 2013, I participated at the TOP Mirror Method Basic Dog Trainer Programme 1 and 2 (first at part 2 during 2x2 weekends, then at the main course for 6 days and exam on the 7th day).

Topics of the course included:

  • Origins of the dog, pack animal or family member (Gábor Korom)
  • Canine-human relationship (Gábor Korom)
  • Raising a dog (Gábor Korom)
  • Veterinary presentation (Dr. Otília Biksi)
  • Dog training theory (Rudolf Hornig)
  • Clicker training (Rudolf Hornig)
  • Raising puppies (Belényi Beatrix)
  • Protection work (Gábor Korom)
  • Learning by the Ethologist's eyes (Dr. Topál József)
  • Dog sports and assistance dogs (Leczki Sarolta)
  • Neurology (Ferenc Suszter)
  • Obedience work (Ferenc Suszter)
  • Tracking (Ferenc Suszter)
  • Dog training for groups (Enikõ Szak Gyulainé)
  • Communications seminar (Ágnes Kresák, Enikõ Szak Gyulainé)
  • Dog communication and behaviour therapy (Dr. Ágnes Sátori, Mária Óbert, Ágnes Kresák)

To fully become a dog trainer, after the successful theroretical course, I'll need to practice at 3 basic courses, 1 advanced course and 1 month at dog kindergarten: I plan to perform it later since my weekends and spare time are now dedicated to my daughter.



OKJ Habilitation Dog Trainer course (certified by State)

I planned to give an official framework to my therapy experiences so I participated at the OKJ Habilitation Dog Trainer course (OKJ is National List of Educations, this course is listed under number 528100110000000), organised by Focus Training Center.

Thanks to the modular structure, 3 modules were approved from the OKJ Dog Groomer course, so I could concentrate on the professional subjects. The course took almost 1.5 years, biweekly, our exams finished in December, 2014.

Topics of the OKJ Habilitation Dog Trainer course included:

  • 1714-09 Safety at work, fire and environmental safety (Ingrid Lengyel, approved)
  • 1722-06 Basics of enterpreneurship (Katalin Rácz, approved)
  • 2835-09 Dog behaviour and animal welfare studies (György Kovács)
  • 2836-09 Theory of the employment of service dogs (Ingrid Lengyel)
  • 2837-09 Basic communications studies (Ingrid Lengyel)
  • 2838-09 Service dog training and its legal regulation (Péter Vasteleki-Einbeck)
  • 2839-09 Dog therapy in practice (Péter Vasteleki-Einbeck, Klára Kovács)
  • 3116-09 Animal health studies (Dr. Attila Vainer, approved)
  • 3117-09 Basics of dog keeping and feeding (Dr. Attila Vainer)

The exam consisted of three parts:

  • 8 theoretical modules, drawing from 20-20 predefined topics each
  • As a dog trainer, basic obedience excercises with own dog, drawing from undefined topics
  • Therapy practice in institution with unknown therapy dog, drawing topic and dog (I saw the dog there for the first time but we cooperated so well that the childrens' teacher thought he was my own dog).

I am very proud that during my practical exam, a very shy girl who was afraid of dogs, by the end of the session, she handled the dog all by herself (Garde de la Vie Justice "Zen", belgian shepherd dog malinois, breeder: Sarolta Leczki, owner: Beatrix Belényi, KEA TKF-A434), even the members of the committee were applauding. I received 100% or around in several modules at the exams, so I finished best of group with 98% average performance.

I would like to take the opportunity here as well to say thank you to all who helped me.



Further photo albums:

05.07.2014 OKJ practice REX (REX Dog Home Foundation)

19.07.2014 OKJ practice REX

23.09.2014 OKJ practice Home for Elderly People (Bischitz Johanna Integrated Humane Services Center)

27.09.2014 OKJ practice Young Ladies Home (EMMI Rákospalota Correction Institution and Special Childrens' Home)

11.10.2014 OKJ practice REX

25.10.2014 OKJ practice REX

22.11.2014 OKJ exaxm REX


CTDI Certified Trick Dog Instructor

rick training not only provides physical and mental challenges for the dog; it also provides a rewarding experience for the owner, and encourages a relationship based upon clear communication and positive reinforcement training methods.

The process of teaching dog tricks puts into play the foundational concepts and techniques of animal training: operant conditioning, marker training, consistency, timing, and motivation. In teaching tricks, we get to practice these techniques and immediately see the results. Each new trick presents a unique challenge that we can address with creativity and the insight of our previous experience.

The best way to teach tricks, just like any other exercise, is to fragment it to tiny steps, with a lot of positive reinforcement, causing joy for both handler and dog. We use clicker for the training with all 6 training methods (catching, luring, target, modelling, shaping, mimicking), but any other positive method can be used.

In Kyra Sundance's Do More With Your Dog (c) methodology we can obtain Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) title. I adquired it in November 2018, and I am ready to help you train tricks or become a CTDI yourself. Join my HUNbelievable Spark Team Facebook group!



Bronze 2019.03 I became Bronze Level Trick Dog Instructor

Silver 2019.09 I became Silver Level Trick Dog Instructor

Gold 2020.02 I became Gold Level Trick Dog Instructor

TOTY2020.03 I became Trainer Of The Year

2020.08 I became All Star Trainer Of The Year


Dog training references

Árva (Orphan), beauceron mix

Damil, german shephard mix

Reno, golden retriever

Othello Löwe Von Blumengarten "Astor", leonberger

Jeromos Löwe Von Blumengarten "Brumi", leonberger

HVCH Kassy Vom Matthiasberg "Carmen", leonberger

Árpádházi Bársonytalpú Leo Balu, leonberger

Artur, mix

Arthur, westie

"Dear Andi! We would like to thank you for your help in dog training and "owner training": without you, we would never have been able to train Arva (Orphan), the rescued dog with love and competence to listen to us and to come back to us even in an unknown area, and today he and Damil are fully reliable members of the family." - Hajnalka F., Diósd

"Hi Andi! Brumi received Excellent, Carmen is Veteran Champion!
Thank you very much for your help in show handling training!" - Emõke I., Budaörs

"Balu would like to thank your for your help (and we too, of course). We hope we can count on you in the future as well! He does not jump on us anymore, "sit, down and stay" all go well! Leash excercise is not 100% yet but it's only on us now. Thank you very much again! Kind regards:
Balu and his Owners" - Mariann Cs., Pest county

"Arthur the westie had such an independent personality: he would not listen to anybody. We could only walk him on the leash. With your help, Artur is now paying attention to what we say, and I can't describe what I felt when for the very first time he was free while walking! Thank you so much Andi." -
Aranka and Gabriella P., Budapest

"Andi, we owe you Dotti's MKSZ Hungaria Junior Champion title. Thank you very much!" Adrienn F., Sárbogárd


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